Birthday Giveaway

On August 2nd, so 3 days from now, I will officially turn 26. YAY!! In honor of my birthday, I wanted to give something away. I settled on something I use A LOT around our household…my apron (well, actually it will be a custom apron for you, but anyways).

About a year ago, I started to look for an apron that would work for me in the kitchen. Of course, I wanted something functional, but I also wanted something cute. After far too much time and no results, I decided to just design one. Here’s what it looks like on me:


NOTE: The puppies are not included :)

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Well I guess the cat is officially out of the bag. I officially opened my Etsy Shop, SewingNationCO, on Friday, January 24, 2014. I took the plunge (with the help and support of my amazing husband) and decided to put a little dream of mine into action.

When I was a little girl, my great-grandma and my mother were constantly sewing. My little brother and I never wore a store-bought Halloween costume and my Barbies were always dressed in the finest, one-of-a-kind, handmade clothing. I still have my stocking my great-grandma had made, as well as my hand-sewn Halloween bag. All items I will cherish forever!

With all of that said, I think the love of sewing has always just been in my DNA. Recently, I have sewn many, many blankets for friends, family as well as for around our own house. I then started to dive into making other things, such as stockings, aprons and some baby stuff. I love giving a handmade gift to a friend or family member because I love the personal touch I can have on it.

SO…how did I go from making these gifts to wanting to sell them? Well a combination of three things. First, my hubby and his best friend both mentioned “Hey, you should sell these. I’m sure people would love to be able to buy them.” Their words really got me thinking.

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